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Marty Muse

Marty Muse joins LHP as Vice President of Marketing following his role as CEO at Vennli where he orchestrated record revenue and the launching of new Content Intelligence software serving marketers with an AI-enabled tool for content planning. Prior to that, he served in several executive-level roles including VP of Marketing for WebLink International, VP of Client Success, and CEO for an Indianapolis-based digital marketing agency, Relevance, where he delivered digital marketing services to Fortune 500 clientele including L’Oreal, Office Depot, FedEx, Macy's, Sears, Humana, and New York Life and many tech companies such as Rackspace, Seagate, Intel, HP, and Intuit to name a few.

1 min read

LHP Advances in the Autonomous Vehicle Space, Announcing New Training Opportunities

TÜV NORD ISO 26262 Training + Certification Examination COLUMBUS, Ind., June 6, 2017 - PRNewswire - LHP Engineering Solutions has been in the autonomous vehicle space for more than a year. LHP delivers technological solutions that make the world a...

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1 min read

LHP Engineering Solutions Announces a New Alliance With TÜV NORD

LHP will offer training and certification under TÜV NORD`s market-leading “Functional Safety Certified Automotive Engineer” (FSCAE) program

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