Data Integration:
For Manufacturing and
Transportation Industries
Take the steps to quickly achieve end-to-end
data integrity while considering functional safety
Get Started Today!

Let's Connect: Accurate & Reliable Data Sets Start Here!
Unlock the Power of Your Data Sets
LHP guides the best brands in the world with data integration; diving into the organization’s workflow and data sets, in order to make data visible, traceable, and interconnected.
Our Path To Success:
Step 1. We start with a whiteboard discovery and GAP analysis to understand the multi-disciplinary needs and put together a recommended action plan (RAP) to get results.
Step 2. We will implement a plan of action that will ensure data integrity and define what each particular machine is written in; if needed, write an API:
- Custom API development: Allows different machine languages to speak a common language and allows analytics to take place in a myriad of systems. We will develop a solution that is going to inform all of the data sets, allowing for faster, better outcomes.
Step 3. We will then develop a solution that is going to inform all of the data sets, allowing for faster, better outcomes.
Struggling with traceability, visibility, integrity, siloed data, and interconnectedness?
LHP lives for understanding the What, Where, Why, and How when it comes to connecting disparate data
- Big Data is now an essential part of business, requiring a well-rounded understanding of business workflows.
- A more efficient data integration leads to better outcomes, and the value is obtained through the visualization of actionable insights from all the data sets already accessible inside the organization.
Struggling with accurate, reliable, and reproducible results from your data?
- LHP provides a plan on how to connect your data sets so that you don’t have to deal with increased costs, extensive time to market, reactive issue resolution, and insights to drive better outcomes.
- LHP untangles the web of multiple data silos living within an organizational structure, helping solve real business-related challenges.
- To achieve this, we take a value-based solutions approach rather than throwing new technology at a business problem.
- Eliminating a technology-based solution approach in turn removes:
- Resistance from users
- Unnecessary complexity
- A difficult path to success

Custom Data Integration Solutions
LHP delivers custom Data Integration solutions. We are experts at taking disparate data sets from legacy and new systems, then designing and developing solutions to help analyze, visualize and inform better business decisions. We deliver better business insights through data integration.
Assessment of Business Systems & GAP/RAP
Input: Gap Analysis for Data Integration
Output: Provide a recommendation on how to change their data int. reporting. Integration of systems
System Integration of Business Systems
Input: Integration of business systems as it relates to engineering workflows
Output: Business Tools without Process Results in a Disconnected Engineer Workforce. Functional Safety + Industry Standards + Autonomous and Electric Vehicle Complexity = Exponential Workload that needs to be managed efficiently
Business Tool Selection (ALM)
Input: Current tools and development processes
Output: Tool trade study and recommendation considering the latest industry standards
Full Tool Integration
Input: Current tools, development processes, and application standards
Output: Full tool integration and automation
Custom Tool Development
Input: Analysis of current toolsets and processes against evolving industry standards (EV/AV/FuSa/AUTOSAR)
Output: Custom tool development for business process - Develop an application tool to enable business efficiency
Continuous Improvement/Feedback Loop
Input: Customer feedback or an error analysis/failed V&V
Output: Insights to root cause to allow faster time to market/realized ROI - predictive overtime